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Security Management, Security solutions

Why is security important?

No matter how large or small your company is, you need to have a plan to ensure the security of your information assets.

A security program provides the framework for keeping your company at a desired security level by assessing the risks you face, deciding how you will mitigate them, and planning for how you keep the program and your security practices up to date.

Your company’s value is its data

Protecting your data means protecting its confidentiality, integrity, and availability. The consequences of a failure to protect all three of these aspects include business losses, legal liability, and loss of company goodwill.


Everyone needs to have a security program because it helps you maintain your focus on IT security. It helps you identify and stay in compliance with the regulations that affect how you manage your data. It keeps you on the right footing with your clients and your customers so that you meet both your legal and contractual obligations. Its life cycle process ensures that security is continuously adapting to your organization and the ever-changing IT environment we live in. And, of course, it’s the right thing to do because protecting your data’s security is the same as protecting your most important asset.


Information is an essential resource for all businesses today and is the key to growth and success. Ensuring that the information held on your IT systems is secure is vitally important. Its availability, integrity and confidentiality may be critical for the continued success of your business.


We provide

Our team provides Create security concepts, Install and configure NonStop security softwares, Create security reports, Assist and support customer through audits.

Security Products which we have a deep knowledge:



P.O. address: H-1097 Budapest, Gubacsi út 30/A.

Phone: +3617004323  


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